
一直都很喜歡旅遊, 不過我不喜歡要好慘, 弄到像個邋遢的流浪漢般旅行法, 就算是以"背包客"的方式去旅行, 我都不會真的背著包, 這樣太醜了, 不如不旅行算了. 人家都喜歡在旅遊的時候穿些休閒衣褲, 有些更把握旅遊的機會, 把最醜最舊的衣服拿去穿, 這樣便可以在旅遊的最後一天把舊衣服丟掉, 免得回程時行李這麼重, 也可以有多些空間放紀念品. 我一定不會這樣做. 我旅行必定會帶拍照時會好看的衣服, 也一定要make sure每次去旅行時的衣服都要不一樣. 可能我喜歡的不但是旅行, 而是在地球上不同的國家, 不同的角落拍"寫真集"! 說"寫真集"可能太誇張, 因為我沒有專業model那麼美, 幫我拍照的人也沒有專業攝影師的攝影水準, 連一台比較"合資格"的相機都沒有, 只是一般傻瓜機而已. 不過, 我旅行或只是到處遊玩的其中最大的目的仍是希望到不同的國家或地方穿上不同的美美衣服拍出不同背景的美美照.

Chiemsee --- 23 Sep 2006

Chiemsee (IPA: [ˈkiːmzeː]) is a freshwater lake in Bavaria, Germany, between Rosenheim, Germany, and Salzburg, Austria. It is often called the Bavarian Sea. The rivers Tiroler Achen and Prien flow into the lake; the river Alz, out of it. The Chiemsee is divided into the bigger, north section, in the northeast, called Weitsee, and the Inselsee, in the southwest.

The region around the Chiemsee is Chiemgau and is a famous recreation area.

[edit] Islands
Two of the main islands on the lake are Herrenchiemsee (biggest island) and Frauenchiemsee, also called Herreninsel (gentleman island) and Fraueninsel (woman island), respectively. The third main island, Krautinsel (weed island), is smaller than Frauenchiemsee and is uninhabited.

Herrenchiemsee has a castle built by King Ludwig II in 1878, also called Herrenchiemsee, which was never completed but was meant to be a replica of the Palace of Versailles, in France. Many of the rooms of the castle are open to tourists; tours of the castle and its extensive grounds on the island are conducted throughout summer.
Frauenchiemsee is the smaller of the two major islands on the Chiemsee, and houses a Benedictine nunnery, built in 782, as well as a small village. The nuns make a liquor called Klosterlikör (cloister liquor) and a very good marzipan (almond paste).
There are also three very small islands: the Schalch, to the west of Frauenchiemsee; and two unnamed islands, 54 and 80 meters south of the Krautinsel, with an area of 30 m² each.

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